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The new approaches to diagnostics and control of treatment сеrvicogenic headache of children and adolescent with the help of computer system


Russia. Bugulma.


G.B. Dolgikh

Cephalgia is found in 33-64% cases in child population. There are vascular disorders in most diversity of headache. Using transcranial Doppler sonography 4 types of vascular pathology were detected in children: cerebral angiodystonia, venous dystonia, cervicogenic headache, migraine. Cervicogenic headache (CH) is very frequent of headache in сhildren and аdolescent. Diagnostic criteria of CH: mainly pain in the field of neck and occiput; pain increases during movements in the neck; changes of muscular tonus and tension and density of tissue are marked. Pathology of the cervical spine is defined with X-ray methods of investigation. 1150 patients from 7 to 18 years of age were examined with use computer system «AMSAT-KOVERT», 125 from them had headache, 74 patients had CH and signs of myofascial pain syndrom, caused by natal cervical injury, and 50 were healthy volunteers. Clinical examination, manual diagnosis of trigger points, roentgenography of the cervical spine, transcranial doppler sonograhty (TDS), brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) were performed. Natal cervical trauma is realized into cervicogenic headache due to different pathogenetic mechanisms: vascular, muscular, neurogenic with involvement of segmental and suprasegmental structures of the cervical spine.

In application of modern physiotherapeutics it is necessary to control the way of treatment and valuation of its effectiveness. For this purpose we may use computer system «AMSAT-KOVERT» (automatized medical system of analysis therapeutics)


Кey- сervicogenic headache, spondilography, transcranial doppler sonograhty, brainstem auditory evoked response, computer system «AMSAT-KOVERT».